What is Neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation is increasingly being used to treat depression. It is a therapy that uses electromagnetic pulses to modulate brain activity. This technique can help to reduce symptoms of depression, such as feelings of anxiety, gloom and fatigue.

Neuromodulation treatment consists of a number of sessions in which an electromagnetic coil is placed on the patient’s head. This coil delivers electrical impulses. These pulses are targeted to certain parts of the brain involved in depression or OCD. This technique is not only effective in reducing symptoms, but can also help prevent relapse.

Short video on neuromodulation

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    Experiences with neuromodulation

    Experiences with neuromodulation treatment are generally positive. Patients report experiencing fewer symptoms and having more energy. There is also evidence that the treatment can help improve mood and reduce anxiety.

    The results of neuromodulation treatment are promising, but much research is still needed to further develop its effectiveness.